ABB er en teknologileder innen elektrifisering og automatisering som legger til rette for en mer bærekraftig og ressurseffektiv fremtid. Selskapets løsninger kobler ingeniørkunnskap og programvare for å optimalisere hvordan ting produseres, transporteres, drives og opereres. ABBs rundt 105 000 ansatte bygger på mer enn 130 år med kvalitet, og er forpliktet til å drive innovasjoner som akselererer industriell omstilling.
Our Multidiscipline competencies, knowledge of the production process, carefully selected state-of the art production partners and strategic focus on partnerships enable us to meet the high industry demands and customer challenges with safe, reliable and cost effective solutions.
- Castings
- Forging
- CNC machining
- Fabrication & sheet metal parts
- Heat treatment & surface finish
- Quality testing & certification
Additech is a leading Norwegian company within additive manufacturing/3D printing services, located in Bergen. Additech helps industrial companies enhance the performance of crucial components, enabling manufacturing of complex structures and materials for customized use.
Vi leverer alt fra enkeltprodukter, konsulenttjenester og kurs, til komplett systemløsninger.
- Industriell IT
- Automasjon
- Telekom
- Ex komponenter
- Belysning
- Test og måling
- EMC og komponenter
- Brann og redning
Through our investment in innovative new sealing solutions we enable our customers in a wide range of industries to meet the complex needs of society both now and in the future. We believe in operating in an ethical and sustainable manner, providing sealing solutions to our customers that improve reliability and help reduce energy and water consumption. Our world class manufacturing facilities use the latest in machine tool technology and our systems and processes enable us to be the worlds largest homogeneous mechanical seal manufacturer. By investing in pioneering technology, we simplify the whole ordering process and respond quickly to customers’ needs – whatever, wherever. We aim to exceed expectation consistently: in delivery, quality, reliability and service. We’re challenging industry standards, challenging our competitors, challenging thinking – and challenging to become world market leader.
Som en av Nordens største grossister tilbyr Ahlsell profesjonelle brukere et bredt spekter produkter og tjenester innen VVS, VA, Elektro, Verktøy og Personlig verneutstyr.
Vår virksomhet med 1100ansatte er tilstede i 40 butikker og kontorer i Norge med hovedkontor i Oslo.
- VA
- Verktøy
- Elektro
- Industriell VVS
- Personlig verneutstyr
In the fast-moving world of Upstream Energies, safety, reliability, agility and innovation are paramount. Air Liquide Maritime brings you a unique expertise in offshore projects execution, with a track record of proven success in delivering key projects. Our global reach and the benefits of an international organization offers you a unique one stop shop experience.
I 75 år har AIL vært en trygg og pålitelig totalleverandør av maskiner, metallbearbeiding, transmisjoner, verkstedmateriell, verktøy og verkstedinnredning til den norske industri.
Vi har et stort varelager med kvalitetsprodukter fra ledende produsenter, og med vår produktkunnskap og kompetanse ønsker vi å være en foretrukket sparringspartner og leverandør for våre kunder.
- Transmisjoner
- Verkstedinnredninger
- Metallbearbeiding
- Maskiner
- Pakning og tetning
- Verktøy
- Overflatebearbeiding
- Kjemikalier
- Måleutstyr
- Merkesystemer
- Skjærebord
- Deler og forbruksmateriale
- Skiltsystemer
- Skiltemner og plater
American Express Global Business Travel (GBT) is the world’s leading B2B travel platform, providing software and services to manage travel, expenses, and meetings & events for companies of all sizes. We make it our business to meet your company’s travel needs.
Antenor-OTG er et kompetanse-hus innen virksomhetsstyring.
Vi leverer rådgivingstjenester innen kvalitet, risiko og sikkerhet. I tillegg tilpasser vi vårt fleksible digitaliserte prosessverktøy (ABMS) din bedrifts behov.
Hos Antenor-OTG får du både kompetansen til å utarbeide og implementere prosesser, og selve det digitaliserte systemet som gjør samsvar, samhandling enklere. Vi bygger tillit og lar våre kunder oppnå langsiktige resultater som gjør en forskjell.
Solutions for measuring, controlling and streamlining industrial fluids
ASI Automatikk are a supplier of moving energy solutions, and agent for some of the best suppliers in the world related to dragchain solutions, Shorepower and FerryCharger.
Asset Integrity AS is a leading supplier of equipment and services related to testing, isolation and repair of pipelines in the oil and gas industry. Based in Stavanger, we provide our clients all over Norway with support related to our fields of expertise. With strong backing from our suppliers, we represent many people with decades of experience and a large pool of technician ready to support projects for our clients.
Norges største lager av metaller og plast
Vi tilbyr et stort mangfold av produkter og tjenester med høy kvalitet, og er en naturlig industripartner for kunder, leverandører og samarbeidspartnere.
Atlas Copco Industriteknikk i Norge håndterer salg og service av industrielle verktøy og monteringsløsninger for industri og energi.
Våre idéer former fremtidens industri. Idéer driver utviklingen. Vi har utviklet gode idéer til forretningsmessige fordeler siden 1873.
Våre produkter bidrar til at kunder i en serie bransjer oppnår en bærekraftig produksjon, inkludert bransjer som generell industri, produksjons- og prosessindustri, bilindustri, elektronikk, olje og gass, vindturbiner og mye mer.
- Verktøy og monteringsløsninger for industri og energi
- Power Technique: mobile maskiner
- Pålitelige løsninger for utleie 24/7
ATPI Marine & Energy, global leverandør av reisetjenester til shipping-, offshore-, og energisektor.
Vår ekspertise og kjennskap til bransjenes behov er grunnen til at selskap gir oss ansvaret for å håndtere sine Mission Critical™ reisebehov. Konsulenter opererer 24/7 fra mer enn 100 kontor i hele verden og har spisskompetanse i håndtering av crew-, forretningsreiser, og gruppereiser. I Norge har vi ca. 100 ansatte. ATPI Marine & Energy tilbyr kosteffektive, fleksible og sikkerhetsfokuserte tjenester.
ATPI Marine & Energy is the leading global provider of specialist travel management to the shipping, offshore and energy industries.
Our extensive knowledge and expertise is the reason why companies rely on us for their Mission Critical™ Travel. With consultants operating 24/7 in over 100 key locations, ATPI Marine & Energy consistently delivers a cost-effective, flexible and safety-focused service.
- ATPI Marine & Energy
- ATPI Corporate Travel
- ATPI Group Events
- ATPI Sports Events
- ATPI Halo sustainability program
- Online and Offline service
- ATPI TravelHub (Reiseportal)
- Marine- Offshore- and Energy fares
- Rotations and ad-hoc travel to rigs, vessels, and windfarms
AxFlow AS representerer verdensledende produsenter av pumper, instrumentering og ventiler. Dette garanterer høy teknisk standard og best tilgjengelig kvalitet. Gjennom kunnskap og erfaring, som vi oppnår ved nært samarbeid med våre kunder og leverandører, tilbyr vi de aller beste løsningene når det gjelder pumpestasjoner, pumper, ventiler, instrumentering, service og tilleggsutstyr.
- Pumper
- Ventiler
- Instrumentering
- Flow- og mengdemålere
- Pumpestasjoner og systemer
- Service og verksted
Inngående kompetanse om ulike bransjers og kunders spesifikke behov
- Termisk isolasjon
- Passiv brannbeskyttelse
- Elektrisk isolasjon
- Teknisk plast
- Filtreringsduker
- Ventiler
- Pakninger
- Peristaltiske pumper
Bandak was established in Kongsberg in 1938 and moved to Lunde in 1963. Bandak has since developed into a high technology company with a highly skilled workforce that takes pride in meeting customers’ needs. The company has approximately 80 employees. Complex details and system deliveries are supplied worldwide from modern and well-equipped production premises measuring 12,000 m2. The business has a fully equipped workshop for turning, milling and grinding, together with a well-developed inspection, assembly, flushing and testing department. In addition to its own welding department with plasma welding, the company also has a large surface department, which supplies thermal coating. A modern ERP system and CAD/CAM systems are used to plan and control the overall operation. The bulk of the products supplied by the company are supplied to the Oil & Gas industry, but it is also a much valued supplier of highly complex products for the maritime-, defence- and general/onshore industry. Bandak is, for many, synonymous with Taut Wire; a product developed and produced in Lunde and which can be found in all of the world’s oceans. The Taut Wire from Bandak ensures that vessels maintain their exact position, e.g. diver support vessels, cable laying vessels and supply ships.
At Barco, we are all visioneers
At Barco, we believe truly great engineering starts with a clear vision. A vision of a better, smarter, healthier world. We are visioneers in every department, from R&D over manufacturing to services. It’s how we contribute to a bright tomorrow.
Beckhoff implements open automation systems using proven PC-based control technology. The main areas that the product range covers are industrial PCs, I/O and fieldbus components, drive technology, automation software, control cabinet-free automation, and hardware for machine vision. Product ranges that can be used as separate components or integrated into a complete and mutually compatible control system are available for all sectors. Our New Automation Technology stands for universal and industry-independent control and automation solutions that are used worldwide in a large variety of different applications, ranging from CNC-controlled machine tools to intelligent building control.
PROFESSIONAL AUDIOLOGISTS who master the optimum sound experience. CUSTOM FITTED ear buds. HEARING AID SERVICE with adjustments and repairs. AMBULANT audiology team.
Do you want to be sure to get the optimum solution for your company when it comes to industrial gaskets, seals, moulded rubber parts and other polymer-based products?
Betech specializes in polymer-based technical products such as flange gaskets and flat gaskets, seals, extruded profiles, moulded rubber parts, protective bellows, and vibration dampers.
Engines & Machinery, Offshore, Energy, Process and Maritime Industries are key segments among our technology customers served from four locations: Copenhagen (DK), Esbjerg (DK), Tromsö (NO), and Qingdao (CN).
The product solutions are mainly manufactured in our own factories – and the customers therefore get a direct and effective connection to our technical competences in material selection, product and tool design and the many different manufacturing options.
- Design
- Film
- Foto
- Skilt
BROSA is a leading manufacturer of force measuring sensors and pressure transducers with headquarters in Tettnang, near Lake Constance, Germany. The mid-sized family company has been around since 1935, and has sales offices in the Netherlands, Singapore and China. Electronic components are developed and manufactured by BROSAtronic AG in Switzerland, a subsidiary of BROSA GmbH.
We offer an extremely wide range of stocked standard fasteners, and we specialize in trading with any imaginable C-parts according to your unique needs and demands. It could be a magnet, metal, or plastic part. It could be turned, injected, extruded, stamped, forged, milled, molded, or even assembled. All parts of our offer are based on years of experience in how we can make a difference for you as a customer in the best way. It’s about helping to reduce the total cost and complexity, free up capital, and achieve stable quality and deliveries. What it boils down to is a seamless supply chain, where the headache with C-parts is gone.
Byberg AS designer og produserer hydrauliske sylindre for olje og gass, tradisjonell industri, havbruk og landbruk. Firmaet ble etablert i 1987, og holder til i moderne lokaler i Klepp på Jæren.
Vår spesialitet er dobbelt virkende teleskop sylindre, også i syrefast materiale for subsea bruk. Vi leverer sylindre fra 15mm stempel diameter og oppover. De fleste produktene er spesialdesign for kunde.
I Byberg liker vi tett og direkte kontakt med kundene. Vårt gode samspill mellom produksjon og konstruksjon gir kostnadseffektive og gode løsninger for kundene våre.
- Spesialbygde sylindre
- Maskinering
- Engineering
- Reperasjon og service
Carpenter & Paterson Norway
Carpenter & Paterson Ltd is a wholly independent British company that has been established in the UK since 1956. WE ARE NOT PART OF A GROUP.
We have developed our range of Engineered Pipe Supports in the UK for the worldwide market, and are today a recognised market leader in that field.
- Pipe Support components
ComPower AS specialize in UPS systems for communication and navigation on board. Our systems are module-based, service friendly and highly reliable. The systems are designed to be easily accessible to allow for easy maintenance and quick service to eliminate the risk of down time. We are based in Bergen, close to the international airport and heliport at Flesland, BGO. Our solutions have a high power ratio, which allows for less heat dissipation. This makes our product smaller and lighter than the alternatives, and reduces energy consumption and ventilation needs. We have also developed a test system for battery banks that can be integrated into the UPS. We are the preferred supplier to most of the rigs in the North Sea, a position we have gained as a result of high quality of product and service, as well as low life time cost for our equipment
Crane Norway Group er med sine Crane Norway selskaper en ledende og tradisjonsrik leverandør av alle typer kran- og transporttjenester.
Norges ledende leverandør av lykter og portabel belysning for profesjonelt bruk, transportkasser, portable vifter, inspeksjonsutstyr for visuell tilstandskontroll, man-overbord ombordtakningssystemer mm.
- Lykter
- Portabel belysning
DENSIQ er en ledende leverandør av helhetsløsninger innen tetningsteknikk til den nordiske prosessindustrien. Dette muliggjør vi gjennom tette samarbeid med kundene våre, kunnskapsrike og engasjerte medarbeidere samt markedets sterkeste utvalg av tjenester, produkter og teknisk konsultasjon.
Dewesoft is a best in class provider of data acquisition devices. What distinguishes our approach is the human element. While most companies design tools starting with the device and ending with the user experience, we take the opposite approach. We reverse engineer our products, starting with the experience that our users require.
- DAQ systems
- Rugged DAQ systems
- DAQ & control systems
- DAQ software
- Data interfaces, sensors and actuators
Stork Drives represents the leading manufacturer of electric drives and components for rotary and linear movement preferably with power up to 2000 W.
Dokka Fasteners is a special manufacturer of fasteners used in more demanding tasks. For instance, if a bolt is to be used in an aggressive milieu with strong climate effects, where the air has a high salt content or a high mechanical load, a standard product would not be suitable. Any defect would involve excessive costs. This is where Dokka Fasteners enters the picture. When the manufacturers of wind turbines, drilling rigs, cranes and steel constructions need fasteners, they set extremely high demands on the quality of the material and manufacturing. We are able to meet these demands thanks to our many years of experience, certified processes and quality-conscious employees.
Dräger is an international leader in the fields of medical and safety technology. Since 1889, Dräger products protect, support and save lives.
You are always close to knowledge, quality and service with Dunlop Hiflex. We have good geographical coverage with our own Service Centers and Service Partners and together with complementary quality products from leading suppliers, we offer our customers a complete solution.
Dunlop Hiflex manufactures industrial hoses that can handle almost anything, from the simplest PVC water hose to high-tech rubber hoses for the offshore industry. We adapt materials and properties according to requirements specification and many of our hoses are specially designed for demanding applications for transport of chemicals, oils, concrete, waste, food and steam with properties such as being flexible, resistant to high pressures and pressure shocks, but also withstand harsh environments.
- Fluid conveyance hydraulics
- Hydraulic components
- Hydraulic tools
- Fluid conveyance industrial
- Pneumatic
- Industrial rubber
- Transmission
- VMI easy scanner
- Alfatraka
- Dunlop Hiflex academy
E Innovation – We are a technology development company working primarily with breathing air solutions, with the goal to make the processes of using breathing air more efficient both onshore and offshore
Ejendals delivers more than hand and foot protection. We deliver quality and know-how through a comprehensive Safety Concept where TEGERA ® Safety Gloves and JALAS ® Safety Shoes play important roles in our customers’ lives. Our products make the everyday safer for you and hundreds of thousands of workers around the world. So that you can go home, in good shape and be ready for life.
Elteco tilbyr produkter og løsninger innen elektro og automasjon.
- Elektro
- Fabrikkautomatisering
- Prosessautomatisering
Emerson Process Management is a leading supplier of process management products and solutions, including control valves, regulators, transmitters, analyzers, and automation systems. Its Process Systems business makes automation systems which build the proven PlantWeb digital plant architecture. This architecture is changing the economics of plants around the globe.
Energihovedstanden Stavanger
Energy Innovation provide GWO Training, wind technician education, workforce training & development, R&D, EU projects, innovation and business development within On- and Offshore wind and Green Tech.
Energy Innovation provides services globally establishing franchising GWO and Wind Tech education centers around the world.
- Droneinspeksjon
- Treningssenter
- Egersund Energy Hub
EnergyX delivers high quality, innovative bespoke solutions. As a total solution provider we offer a full range of services including engineering, design, manufacture, machining and in-house testing facilities. We focus on high quality and short lead time to provide the best possible service to our customers.
We are a specialist service company delivering integrated solutions for complex energy and infrastructure projects. Delivering value to our customers by combining experts, equipment, IP, and technology across the entire asset lifecycle.
Envirex specializes in advanced technologies for extreme environments. We work as one team, translating innovations from one business area to another, from the bottom of the sea – to outer space, we dare to say that we are one of the best in the industry.
Supplier of customized aluminium products. We are also an CNC producer of customized foam inserts to all type of boxes. Typical customers are oil and gas and all type of industries.
Supplier of approved access solutions.
Firesafe er totalleverandør innen brannsikring. Vi bidrar til å redde liv og verdier gjennom vårt arbeid for et tryggere og mer brannsikkert samfunn.
- Kurs
- Nybygg brannsikring
- Offshore, marine og eksport
- Planlegging brannsikring
Flowtec is a Norwegian company within instrumentation, pumps and solutions. Target areas in new development, MMO, and after market activities within the oil and gas industry, for both national and international projects. Stockist and distributor for internationally leading instrumentation and pump manufacturers. Technical Department covering engineering, design, performance, testing and delivery of control systems and cabinets. Commissioning, service and maintenance, onshore / offshore. Located with office, inventory stock and workshop at Sola, Stavanger. High level of knowledge and experience within all level of company product segments. Great emphasis on quality at all levels, and have implemented quality system according to the requirements of NS-EN-ISO 9001:2015 and Achilles Reg 23839.
Fosstech was established in 1997, and is a leading company within mechatronics, cables/connectors and encapsulation of electronics for harsh environment. Our markets are within ocean space, defence, public roads and fisheries and aquaculture.
Framo AS, which is based in Bergen, Norway, is the parent company of Framo worldwide. Our pumping systems are sold under the Framo trademark.
We take a long term view on customer relations. We actively cooperate with our customers, are someone to trust, with experience and competence. Through continous research and development we prepare for tomorrow.
- In-house design, manufacturing and assembling of pumps, prime mover, piping and control systems at specialised plants in Norway.
- In-house extensive testing of all systems prior to delivery.
- Personnel training world-wide.
- Supervision during design and installation.
- Dedicated after-sales service & spare centre in major intranational hubs.
GCCD is a provider of complete and customized control center solutions. Innovative solutions, combined with state-of-the-art products, create a new generation of control rooms. Our knowledge, products and services are meant to generate continuous information of value to all control room operators. Further to control rooms, we also have a strong focus on audio-visual- and furniture- solutions. We provide state of the art audio-visual solutions for both small- and large-scale systems.
Glamox er en ledende leverandør av belysning som tilbyr komplette løsninger for skoler, helseinstitusjoner, kommersielle og industrielle bygninger, detaljhandel, hotell- og restaurantvirksomhet.
Glenair manufactures high-reliability connectors and cables for mission-critical land, sea, air, and space applications. The company began operations in 1956 producing electrical connector backshells and accessories. Building on that foundation, we now offer dozens of full-spectrum connector product lines designed to meet every electrical and optical interconnect requirement, including a broad range of military qualified and signature connector designs such as the MIL-DTL-38999 Series III and our micro miniature Series 80 Mighty Mouse.
With over 60 years of experience protecting workers in challenging Norwegian climate conditions, Granberg has been producing and selling work gloves in many parts of the world. Our mission is to offer the correct hand protection through customer proximity, responsiveness, knowledge, and technological innovation. We have a selection of more than 250 safety gloves designed to protect workers in various industries including food processing and medical fields. Our products are engineered, designed, and manufactured using the latest technology and most advanced materials available.
Guide creates premium quality work gloves that protects and improves performance for working hands. Through cutting edge technology, innovation and a strong focus on sustainability, we aim to make the smartest and most sustainable work gloves in the world.
Never compromise on safety!
HAKI er en av verdens ledende leverandører av stillas.
Men det viktigste for oss er ikke bare å ha verdens beste stillassystem, men hva produktene kan gjøre for våre kunder. Det er her vi kan gjøre en reell forskjell.
Vi eksisterer for å gjøre livet tryggere for alle som jobber i utfordrende miljøer. Det er formålet med HAKI og alt vi gjør. Og vi lover å alltid gjøre vårt ytterste for å forbedre og utvikle sikre løsninger og tjenester. Og å aldri gå på kompromiss med sikkerheten.
HAKIs produkter er designet for å gi maksimal sikkerhet for alle som jobber i utfordrende miljøer. Vi har kjente og tilpasningsdyktige produkter slik som stillassystemer, værbeskyttelsessystemer, hengende stillas, understøttelse, offentlige trappetårn, brosystemer og mye mer. Systemer som er enkle å montere, pålitelige og holdbare, noe som resulterer i spart tid og penger så vel som i sikkerhet.
All produksjon foregår i henhold til ISO 9001, og våre tilkomstløsninger kan finnes verden over på arbeidsplasser for bygg, infrastruktur, prosessindustri, skipsbygging og offshore.
- Sikre, trygge og ergonomiske systemløsninger
- Stillassystemer
- Værbeskyttelsessystemer
- Hengende stillas
- Understøttelse
- Offentlige trappetårn
- Brosystemer
- Field instrumentation
- Fire & gas detectors
- Valves
Hallgruppen er en verdensomfattende leverandør av plasthaller, anleggshaller, arbeidstelt og lagerløsninger.
- Hall
- Bygg
- Modulbygg
- Beredskap
- Event
- Eksport
HARALD PIHL is a family company with a long history. The company was founded in 1912 by Harald Pihl and is still today, over 100 years later, managed by the third and fourth generation of the Pihl family. We have been in business for so long that we have established contacts all over the world. Our longstanding experience also guarantees a vast knowledge of metallurgy.
When HARALD PIHL was founded in the beginning of the 20th century, the company traded with a wide range of alloys and metals. Today we are more focused on alloys with unique characteristics – alloys that meet very specific demands and can handle extreme environments.
- Nickel alloys
- Titanium alloys
- Copper alloys
- Welding material
- Heat resistant alloys
- Special alloys
- Stainless steel
- Extra thin tubes
HBK - Hottinger Brüel and Kjaer A/S
As the union of market-leading organizations HBM and Brüel & Kjær, HBK are the product physics experts, providing integrated solutions and world-leading expertise across all test and measurement domains. This enables engineers to drive innovation throughout every stage of the product creation process, with streamlined development cycles and faster time-to-market. We deliver value beyond measure by helping our customers bring safer, more energy efficient and innovative products to life – faster.
Business Areas:
- Structural Health Management for Offshore Wind Parks
- Structural Health Management for Floating Solar Power
- Structural Health Management for Oil & Gas
- Test and Measurement Technology for the Energy Industry
Supplier of Components and Assemblies for the machine building industry.
Hittech is the system supplier for high-tech equipment where you can outsource your development, assembly, parts manufacture and material development with confidence. Our technical competences, long experience and tight project management to coordinate all activities, make Hittech the perfect partner to manage the entire product life cycle. We continuously improve our processes and the products we make and involve our customers through Value Engineering and resulting Product Roadmaps. There is a reason why we are Masters in Improvement. For more information about our possibilities, see Development, Assembly, Manufacturing and Materials.